TITAN trainees can count on a good reputation. More often than most, they complete their final examinations with the best grades of their class. The turnover of the staff is tiny, but the employees´length in the company is extraordinary high. This can probably be attributed to the individual promotion of every employee, which begins during the training according to the goals the young people have. Different subject matter needs to be emphasized with someone who wants to stay with the company than with someone who is planning to go to college. Many of the trainees educated in Schwelm later went on to become engineers or earned their doctorate in mechanical engineering.
Skilled craftsmanship, reliability and loyalty to one’s co-workers are the tried and true values in the company. No matter, what career is in focus – TITAN recommends an apprenticeship at first, because the company wants to make sure that employees who are striving for management positions know what they’re talking about. A person who already has three years of practical experience definitely has a better chance of achieving a management position. Respect and esteem are high values that lead to an atmosphere, where innovative power can grow.
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